What happens if realloc fails

For example, sizeof int will be 4 on most 32 bit systems but you should still use sizeof int instead of 4 because compiling your code on a 64 bit system just as an example will make that value equal to 8 and your code will still compile fine.

What are you allocating memory for? You are however right to store the return value of realloc in a new pointer and check it, though a lot of programmers will assume the system always has enough memory and get away with it. What is the correct usage of realloc when it fails and returns NULL? Question Can anyone summarize what is the correct usage of realloc? What do you do when realloc fails? You can always try Googling for something like: man page realloc Or, for a particular platform, something like: unix man page realloc Note, however, that these may include system-specific answers.

To narrow it down to the clc FAQ, try something like: clc realloc site:faqs. Brody www. This discussion thread is closed Start new discussion.

A way to get aligned allocated memory? Then what can I USE. Determining the size of allocated memory from a pointer. Microsoft Excel. How to implement control array with vba. Data Scientist vs Software Engineer. If the area is expanded, the contents of the new part of the array are undefined. Run this code. New location: 0xc Size: 8 ints 32 bytes.

Old location: 0xc Size: 10 ints 40 bytes. Size: 12 ints 48 bytes. Parameter is not utilized inside method's body. Possible incorrect order of arguments passed to method. Calling overrideable class member from constructor is dangerous. It's possible that the line was commented out improperly, thus altering the program's operation logics.

Uninitialized variables are used when initializing the 'A' variable. The object is returned from inside 'using' block. Not all IDisposable members are properly disposed. Call 'Dispose' when disposing 'A' class. The 'A' class contains 'Dispose' method. Consider making it implement 'IDisposable' interface. The operation is executed 2 or more times in succession.

Comparison with 'double. NaN' is meaningless. Use 'double. IsNaN ' method instead. Original sorting order will be lost after repetitive call to 'OrderBy' method. Use 'ThenBy' method to preserve the original sorting. The 'ThreadStatic' attribute is applied to a non-static 'A' field and will be ignored.

Possible null dereference. The 'Thread' object is created but is not started. It is possible that a call to 'Start' method is missing. Unsafe invocation of event, NullReferenceException is possible. Consider assigning event to a local variable before invoking it.

Anonymous function is used to unsubscribe from event. No handlers will be unsubscribed, as a separate delegate instance is created for each anonymous function declaration.

Type of variable enumerated in 'foreach' is not guaranteed to be castable to the type of collection's elements. The expression was enclosed by parentheses twice: expression. One pair of parentheses is unnecessary or misprint is present. Initializer of a field marked by [ThreadStatic] attribute will be called once on the first accessing thread. The field will have default value on different threads. Unsafe locking on an object. It is possible that a typo is present inside the string literal.

The operator evaluates both operands. Perhaps a short-circuit operator should be used instead. Possible exception when deserializing type. The object was used before it was verified against null.

Possible exception when serializing type. Possible exception: type marked by [Serializable] contains non-serializable members not marked by [NonSerialized]. Not all the members of type are serialized inside 'GetObjectData' method. NullReferenceException is possible.

Unhandled exceptions in destructor lead to termination of runtime. Potential resurrection of 'this' object instance from destructor.

Without re-registering for finalization, destructor will not be called a second time on resurrected object. A private Ctor SerializationInfo, StreamingContext constructor in unsealed type will not be accessible when deserializing derived types. The 'GetObjectData' implementation in unsealed type is not virtual, incorrect serialization of derived type is possible.

The 'a' variable was used after it was assigned through null-conditional operator. Possibly index is out of bound. Identical expression to the left and to the right of compound assignment.

It is not recommended to return null or throw exceptions from 'ToString ' method. The same sub-expression is present on both sides of the operator. The expression is incorrect or it can be simplified. Possible infinite recursion. Checking value for null will always return false when generic type is instantiated with a value type.

An abnormality within similar comparisons. It is possible that different variables are used inside initializer and iterator. IDisposable object is not disposed before method returns. It is not recommended to throw exceptions from 'Equals object obj ' method. It's possible that the loop will be executed incorrectly or won't be executed at all.

Constructor parameter is not used. A component of TimeSpan is used, which does not represent full time interval. Calling a virtual overridden event may lead to unpredictable behavior. Consider implementing event accessors explicitly or use 'sealed' keyword. The variable from the loop exit condition does not change its value between iterations.

An enumeration was declared with 'Flags' attribute, but does not set any initializers to override default values. Uppercase lowercase string is compared with a different lowercase uppercase string. Perhaps the '?? Its priority is lower than priority of other operators in its left part.

Appending an element and checking for key uniqueness is performed on two different variables. The object was used after it was verified against null. Two similar code fragments were found. Perhaps, this is a typo and 'X' variable should be used instead of 'Y'. The field property is used before it is initialized in constructor. The value of the captured variable will be overwritten on the next iteration of the loop in each instance of anonymous function that captures it.

Possible missing parentheses. The expression is checked for compatibility with the type 'A', but is casted to the 'B' type. A terminal null is present inside a string. Shift by N bits is greater than the size of type. The variable is assigned but is not used by the end of the function.

String literal contains potential interpolated expression. Property accessors use different backing fields. Expression under 'throw' is a potential null, which can lead to NullReferenceException. Unreachable code detected. The 'value' parameter is rewritten inside a property setter, and is not used after that. Unsafe dereference of a WeakReference target. The object could have been garbage collected before the 'Target' property was accessed.

A method can return default null value. Non-atomic modification of volatile variable. Casting potential 'null' value to a value type can lead to NullReferenceException.

Dereferencing the result of 'as' operator can lead to NullReferenceException. Potential division by zero. Variable was used as a divisor before it was compared to zero. Variable was compared to zero before it was used as a divisor.

Dereferencing the result of null-conditional access operator can lead to NullReferenceException. The argument of the method is not expected to be null. Suspicious division. Absolute value of the left operand is less than the right operand. Absolute values of both operands are equal. Argument of incorrect type is passed to the 'Enum.

HasFlag' method. Comparing value type variables with 'ReferenceEquals' is incorrect because compared values will be boxed. Suspicious return of an always empty collection. An exception handling block does not contain any code. Exception classes should be publicly accessible. The expression of the 'char' type is passed as an argument of the 'A' type whereas similar overload with the string parameter exists.

Parameter of 'CancellationToken' type is not used inside function's body. Awaiting on expression with potential null value can lead to throwing of 'NullReferenceException'. Suspicious return of a local reference variable which always equals null.

Both operands of the '?? Potentially negative value is used as the size of an array. Inspect the program's logic. Possible incorrect initialization of variable. Consider verifying the initializer. General Analysis Java V Potential null dereference.

Comparison of arrays, strings, collections by reference. Possibly an equality comparison was intended. The value is assigned to the 'x' variable but is not used. Parameter is not used inside method's body. This value is already assigned to the 'b' variable. Shift by N bits is inconsistent with the size of type.

Double negation is present in the expression:!! The value from the uninitialized optional is used. The expression is checked for compatibility with type 'A', but is cast to type 'B'. This expression can be simplified. One of the operands in the operation equals NN. Probably it is a mistake. Classes that define 'equals' method must also define 'hashCode' method.

Class initialization cycle is present. Use of jump statements in 'finally' block can lead to the loss of unhandled exceptions. Calling an overridden method in parent-class constructor may lead to use of uninitialized data.

Collection is modified while iteration is in progress. ConcurrentModificationException may occur. Classes should not be compared by their name. Expression inside assert statement can change object's state. Implementation of 'compareTo' overloads the method from a base class. Possibly, an override was intended.

Comparing objects of incompatible types. Odd use of special character in regular expression. Possibly, it was intended to be escaped. The reference was used before it was verified against null. The used constant value is represented by an octal form. Suspicious invocation of Thread. A non-serializable class should not be serialized. Passing objects of incompatible types to the method of collection. Suspicious use of BigDecimal class.

Unsafe synchronization on an object. The signature of method 'X' does not conform to serialization requirements. Recurrent serialization will use cached object state from first serialization. A suspicious label is present inside a switch. It is possible that these are misprints and 'default:' label should be used instead.

Value of variable is checked after use. Potential logical error is present. Consider checking for misprints. It's possible that an assigned variable should be checked in the next condition. Unsafe double-checked locking. Serialization order of fields should be preserved during deserialization. Suspicious code formatting. InvalidClassException may occur during deserialization.

Result of this expression will be implicitly cast to 'Type'. Check if program logic handles it correctly. Field 'A' is being used before it was initialized. A resource is returned from try-with-resources statement. It will be closed before the method exits. Automatic unboxing of a variable may cause NullPointerException. Lowercase 'L' at the end of a long literal can be mistaken for '1'.

The method does not override another method from the base class. Inconsistent synchronization of a field. Consider synchronizing the field on all usages. Ignored InterruptedException could lead to delayed thread shutdown. Casting expression to 'X' type before implicitly casting it to other type may be excessive or incorrect. Decreased performance. It is better to redefine the N function argument as a reference. Consider replacing 'const T' with 'const..

The 'Foo' function is called twice in the specified expression to calculate length of the same string. A more efficient way is to check: str[0]! The expression of strlen MyStr. Verifying that a pointer value is not NULL is not required. The 'if ptr! The 'A' function was called several times with identical arguments. The result should possibly be saved to a temporary variable, which then could be used while calling the 'B' function.

Ineffective use of the 'count' function. It can possibly be replaced by the call to the 'find' function. The 'strlen' function was called multiple times inside the body of a loop. Consider replacing the expression 'AA' with 'BB'. It is more efficient to catch exception by reference rather than by value.

It is more efficient to search for 'X' character rather than a string. It is more efficient to use an initialization list rather than an assignment operator. Memory is allocated and released multiple times inside the loop body. The variable is not used after copying.

The variable can be constructed in a lower level scope. A new object is created, while a reference to an object is expected. Object may be created in-place in a container. Expression is equivalent to moving one unique pointer to another.

Consider using 'std::move' instead. Consider replacing standard container with a different one. Maximum size of a vector is known at compile time. Consider pre-allocating it by calling reserve N.

Moving an object in a return statement prevents copy elision. Lifetime of the heap-allocated variable is limited to the current function's scope. Consider allocating it on the stack instead. Consider replacing the call to the 'at ' method with the 'operator[]'. Implicit assignment type conversion to memsize type. Usage of non memsize type for pointer arithmetic.

Implicit type conversion from memsize type to bit type. Implicit type conversion to memsize type in an arithmetic expression. N operand of '? Implicit type conversion N argument of function 'foo' to memsize type.

Implicit type conversion N argument of function 'foo' to bit type. Incorrect index type: 'foo[not a memsize-type]'. Use memsize type instead. Implicit type conversion of return value to memsize type. Implicit type conversion of return value from memsize type to bit type.

Call of function 'foo' with variable number of arguments. N argument has memsize type. Dangerous magic number N used. Implicit type conversion from memsize to double type or vice versa. Dangerous explicit type pointer conversion. Memsize type is used for throw. Memsize type is used for catch. Memsize type is used in the union.

More than one sizeof operator is used in one expression. Member operator[] of object 'foo' is declared with bit type argument, but is called with memsize type argument. The alignment rules and type sizes have been changed. Consider reviewing this value.

It is not advised to declare type 'T' as bit type. An overflow of the bit variable is possible inside a long cycle which utilizes a memsize-type loop counter. A variable of the memsize type is read from a stream. Consider verifying the compatibility of 32 and 64 bit versions of the application in the context of a stored data.

Explicit conversion from bit integer type to memsize type. Explicit conversion from memsize type to bit integer type. Explicit type conversion from memsize to double type or vice versa. Explicit conversion from bit integer type to pointer type.

Explicit conversion of pointer type to bit integer type. A bit variable is utilized as a reference to a pointer. A write outside the bounds of this variable may occur. Unexpected function overloading behavior. See N argument of function 'foo' in derived class 'derived' and base class 'base'.

Member operator[] of 'foo' class has a bit type argument. Use memsize-type here. The function is deprecated in the Win64 system. It is safer to use the 'foo' function. Consider using the extended version of the 'foo' function here. Consider using the 'Ptr' version of the 'foo' function here. C-style explicit type casting is utilized. Implicit type conversion from enum type to integer type.


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