What happens if you breathe in concentrated hcl

Reacts with many metals including aluminum, zinc, calcium, magnesium, iron, tin and all of the alkali metals to generate flammable hydrogen gas. Mixtures with concentrated sulfuric acid can evolve toxic hydrogen chloride gas at a dangerous rate. Undergoes a very energetic reaction with calcium phosphide [Mellor ].

According to the EPA , occupational exposure can rapidly lead to swelling and spasm of the throat and suffocation. Material is extremely destructive to tissue of the mucous membranes and upper respiratory tract. Inhalation of hydrochloric acid vapors and mists produces nose, throat, and laryngeal burning, and irritation, pain and inflammation, coughing, sneezing, choking sensation, shortness of breath, hoarseness, laryngeal spasms, upper respiratory tract edema, bronchial constriction, bronchitis, chest pains, as well has headache, and palpitations.

Inhalation of high concentrations can result in corrosive burns, necrosis of bronchial epithelium, constriction of the larynx and bronchi, nasospetal perforation, glottal closure, occur, particularly if exposure is prolonged. May be fatal if inhaled. This is the only available controlled human exposure study of HCl. The results of this test are unequivocal in recommending the Acid Gas filter for use in applications involving the use of, or potential exposure to, hydrochloric acid.

The filter removed, as nearly as can be determined, all acid from the airstream being treated and reduced the potential operator exposure from upwards of 50 ppm at Location 1 to a concentration at Location 2 that is less than the detection limits of the analysis methods used approximately 0.

Depending on the application, this chamber houses either HEPA filtration [up to Acid Gas, Mercury, Aldehyde, Ammonia]. Variable Speed Control and a Fluorescent Light come standard with this unit. Other typical uses for this fume hood include chemical fume control, pharmaceutical compounding containment, soldering applications, light dust removal, biological applications, solvent or epoxy use, and many more applications that require the removal of fumes and particulate.

For more information about controlling hazardous fumes, contact Sentry Air and speak with one of our applications specialists. Call Since Made in the USA. This article discusses poisoning from swallowing or breathing in hydrochloric acid. This article is for information only.

Do NOT use it to treat or manage an actual poison exposure. If you or someone you are with has an exposure, call the local emergency number such as , or the local poison center can be reached directly by calling the national toll-free Poison Help hotline from anywhere in the United States. Seek immediate medical help. DO NOT make a person throw up unless told to do so by poison control or a health care professional.

If the chemical was swallowed, immediately give the person water or milk, unless instructed otherwise by a health care provider. DO NOT give water or milk if the person is having symptoms such as vomiting, convulsions, or a decreased level of alertness that make it hard to swallow.

Your local poison control center can be reached directly by calling the national toll-free Poison Help hotline from anywhere in the United States. This hotline will let you talk to experts in poisoning. They will give you further instructions. This is a free and confidential service. All local poison control centers in the United States use this national number. You should call if you have any questions about poisoning or poison prevention.

It does NOT need to be an emergency. You can call for any reason, 24 hours a day, 7 days a week. It is also used in producing polymers and plastics, rubber, fertilizers, dyes, dyestuffs, and pigments. Warning properties : Sharp, choking odor. Air odor threshold is 0. Hydrogen chloride is highly corrosive to most metals. It also reacts with hydroxides, amines, and alkalies. Hydrogen chloride is a strong mineral acid; its corrosive and irritant properties are the primary concern in both acute and chronic exposures.

Children do not always respond to chemicals in the same way that adults do. Different protocols for managing their care may be needed. Hydrogen chloride gas is intensely irritating to the mucous membranes of the nose, throat, and respiratory tract. Brief exposure to 35 ppm causes throat irritation, and levels of 50 to ppm are barely tolerable for 1 hour.

The greatest impact is on the upper respiratory tract; exposure to high concentrations can rapidly lead to swelling and spasm of the throat and suffocation. Most seriously exposed persons have immediate onset of rapid breathing, blue coloring of the skin, and narrowing of the bronchioles.

Patients who have massive exposures may develop an accumulation of fluid in the lungs. Children may be more vulnerable to corrosive agents than adults because of the relatively smaller diameter of their airways. Children may also be more vulnerable to gas exposure because of increased minute ventilation per kg and failure to evacuate an area promptly when exposed.

A rare and unusual complication of ingestion of high levels of hydrogen chloride is an increase in the concentration of chloride ions in the blood, causing an acid-base imbalance. Because of their higher metabolic rates, children may be more vulnerable to toxicants interfering with basic metabolism.

Deep burns of the skin and mucous membranes are caused by contact with concentrated hydrochloric acid or hydrogen chloride gas; disfiguring scars may result.

Contact with less concentrated acid or with vapor or mist can cause redness of the skin and mild inflammation. Because of their relatively larger surface area:body weight ratio, children are more vulnerable to toxicants affecting the skin. Exposure of the eyes to concentrated hydrogen chloride vapor or hydrochloric acid can cause corneal cell death, cataracts, and glaucoma.

Exposure to dilute solutions can cause stinging pain and injuries such as ulcers of the eye surface. Ingesting concentrated hydrochloric acid can cause pain, difficulty swallowing, nausea, and vomiting. Ingestion of concentrated hydrochloric acid can also cause severe corrosive injury to the mouth, throat esophagus, and stomach, with bleeding, perforation, scarring, or stricture formation as potential sequelae. Ingestion of concentrated hydrochloric acid or massive skin exposure to either hydrochloric acid or hydrogen chloride gas may cause low blood pressure as a result of gastrointestinal bleeding or fluid displacement.

After acute exposure, pulmonary function generally returns to baseline in 7 to 14 days. Although complete recovery is usual, symptoms and prolonged pulmonary deficits can persist. Patients who have ingested hydrochloric acid may experience scarring of the esophagus or stomach, which can cause narrowing, difficulty swallowing, or gastric outlet obstruction. Chronic or prolonged exposure to hydrogen chloride gas above the OSHA PEL or to mist has been associated with changes in pulmonary function, chronic inflammation of the bronchi, nasal ulceration, and symptoms resembling acute viral infection of the upper respiratory tract as well as inflammation of the skin, discoloration and erosion of dental enamel, and inflammation of the eye membrane.

Chlorosis may occur with prolonged exposure. Some reproductive hazards of hydrogen chloride to humans are unknown. Few studies have been directed at reproductive effects in experimental animals exposed to hydrogen chloride. No data were located pertaining to maternal transfer of hydrogen chloride through the placenta or in breast milk Hydrogen chloride is not included in Reproductive and Developmental Toxicants , a report published by the U.

General Accounting Office GAO that lists 30 chemicals of concern because of widely acknowledged reproductive and developmental consequences. Fetotoxicity, developmental abnormalities, and possible resistance to hydrogen chloride by inhalation during pregnancy have been noted.

No data about possible male reproductive effects is available. Rescuers should be trained and appropriately attired before entering the Hot Zone. If the proper equipment is not available, or if rescuers have not been trained in its use, assistance should be obtained from a local or regional HAZMAT team or other properly equipped response organization.

Hydrogen chloride gas is a severe respiratory-tract and skin irritant that forms a strong acid hydrochloric acid on contact with water. Respiratory Protection : Positive-pressure, self-contained breathing apparatus SCBA is recommended in response situations that involve exposure to potentially unsafe levels of hydrogen chloride. Skin Protection : Chemical-protective clothing is recommended because hydrogen chloride can cause skin irritation and burns.

Quickly access for a patent airway, ensure adequate respiration and pulse. If trauma is suspected, maintain cervical immobilization manually and apply a cervical collar and a backboard when feasible. If victims can walk, lead them out of the Hot Zone to the Decontamination Zone.

Victims who are unable to walk may be removed on backboards or gurneys; if these are not available, carefully carry or drag victims to safety. Consider appropriate management of chemically contaminated children, such as measures to reduce separation anxiety if a child is separated from a parent or other adult. Victims exposed only to hydrogen chloride gas who have no skin or eye irritation do not need decontamination; they may be transferred immediately to the Support Zone.

All others require decontamination as described below. If exposure levels are determined to be safe, decontamination may be conducted by personnel wearing a lower level of protection than that worn in the Hot Zone described above. Stabilize the cervical spine with a collar and a backboard if trauma is suspected. Administer supplemental oxygen as required. Assist ventilation with a bag-valve-mask device if necessary. Victims who are able may assist with their own decontamination.

Remove contaminated clothing while flushing exposed skin and hair with water for 3 to 5 minutes, wash thoroughly with soap and water. Use caution to avoid hypothermia when decontaminating children or the elderly.

Use blankets or warmers when appropriate. Double-bag contaminated clothing and personal belongings. Flush exposed or irritated eyes with tepid plain water or saline for 15 minutes.

Eye irrigation should be carried out simultaneously with other basic care and transport. Remove contact lenses if easily removable without additional trauma to the eye. In cases of ingestion, do not induce emesis. Do not administer activated charcoal or attempt to neutralize stomach contents.

Victims who are conscious and able to swallow should be given 4 to 8 ounces of water or milk. Children's dose is 2 to 4 ounces. If possible, seek assistance from a child separation expert. As soon as basic decontamination is complete, move the victim to the Support Zone. Be certain that victims have been decontaminated properly see Decontamination Zone above. Victims who have undergone decontamination or who have been exposed only to gas and who have no symptoms of skin or eye irritation pose no serious risk of secondary contamination.

In such cases, Support Zone personnel require no specialized protective gear.


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