Based in Massachusetts, he blogs about cycling at MaxTheCyclist. Plank push-ups can bring added benefits to your traditional push-up routine. Video of the Day. Tip A plank push-up is a combination of these two strength-building exercises. Plank Push-Up Fundamentals. With your toes on the floor, lift your body off the ground using your arms, and lift your knees off the floor until your body forms a straight line from your heels to the back of your neck.
Instead of bending your elbows to lower down as you would with a traditional push-up, slowly lower one arm until your forearm and elbow are resting on the ground. Carefully lean on that forearm, and bring your other arm down to rest on the ground in the same way. You should now be in the plank position. Hold the plank for one count, and then slowly return to the push-up position, one arm at a time.
So, why do the plank in the first place? Pushups, on the other hand, with their infinite variations, provide static strength as well as intermittent firing of the deep trunk muscles.
These muscles are the spinaodorsal, semispinal and musculus multifidus. Pushups have a much greater carryover with their dynamic and ballistic nature.
Pushups can be trained in the conventional horizontal position, incline, decline and vertical, as well as angular and unilateral. Secondly, pushups teach you how to move the body in multiple ways, developing not only strength, but, flexible strength as well. Developing movement patterns, such as these, increase the connection between the brain and nervous system due to full body coordination, which translates well to trail running.
Third, pushups develop force production. This is the ability to accept impact and functionally operate during a race; and trail running has a tremendous amount of impact on the body with its variety of terrain, uphill, downhill and zigzag patterns throughout geographical locations. Last, pushups provide both concentric and eccentric strength, planks do not. For example, if you normally do 25 push-ups, do a light day of only 5 push-ups every few days, he suggests. For specific issues like lower back pain or carpal tunnel , check in with a fitness professional too, suggests Jessica Medlin , an ACE-certified personal trainer and fitness coordinator at the Woodfin YMCA in Asheville, North Carolina.
If you can do a push-up, then you basically already know how to plank too. Push-ups and planks are very similar exercises, says Rosenberg. To do a plank properly, start as if you're about to do a push-up, with your arms extended beneath shoulders fingers facing forward , feet together on the ground behind you, and body extended long and parallel to the ground.
Facebook Pinterest Twitter Youtube Instagram. H ybrid exercises are one of the best ways to multitask while you're working up a sweat. Combining a few specific movements into a compound exercise makes the most of every workout. That's especially true for the plank push-up, which tests your upper body and core strength as you're shifting between the two movements as gracefully as possible. Related Stories.