Your grandmother's accent is different; where did she grow up? Jenna used makeup to accent her face for the dance competition. That pink dress really accents your red hair. We watched the bird's ascent until it disappeared over the trees. An ascent up Mount Everest is very dangerous. The climbers stopped in their ascent to enjoy the view. As such, the word ascent is commonly used in aerospace terminology.
Ascent always relates to the act of going upward. Its opposite or antonym is descent , which refers to the act of going downward. These words can be used either literally, to refer to physical movement, or metaphorically, to refer to moral, spiritual, or social advancement. Spiritually, ascent is often used to indicate that a person is moving closer to the divine or to some other form of goodness or higher being.
These two words have different meanings, and learning to use them requires telling them apart. Ascent is used when something is moving upward, literally or metaphorically. Assent implies there is agreement. His quick ascent to power is so unnatural. Accent as noun:. Accent is also a noun and it means a distinctive way of pronouncing a language, especially one associated with a particular country, area, or social class. Accent is also employed when a distinct emphasis is given to a syllable or word in speech by stress or pitch.
His accent usually falls on the middle syllable. Another meaning of accent is a special or particular emphasis on something or a feature which gives a distinctive visual emphasis to something. The accent is on participation. The accents of red on the white painting gives it a particular tang. Accent as verb:. The meanings of accent are used when the word is employed as a verb, that is, emphasize on a particular thing or feature of a thing.
The yellow and green flowers accent the fabric of the dress. Accent is also used in musical word where it implies to play a note or a beat with emphasis. The quick tempo means there is less scope for accenting offbeat notes. He stuck his finger into a jar of red ink and left an imprint signifying his assent. New York Times. The Hill. The Benders have made a dizzying ascent into indie stardom since their exodus East.
San Francisco Chronicle. New laws only come into force once they have been assented to by the president and published in the Government Gazette. Independent Online. He efficiently juggles the characters, which range in age and accent. Regional accents can be tough to decipher. We clipped our ropes onto a cable and began the ascent, a mixture of hiking and climbing. Old age is not an illness, it is a timeless ascent. Image Courtesy: wikihow. Add new comment Your name. Plain text.