What is the difference between legionnaires disease and legionella

Pontiac fever doesn't infect your lungs, and symptoms usually clear within two to five days. See your doctor if you think you've been exposed to legionella bacteria. Diagnosing and treating Legionnaires' disease as soon as possible can help shorten the recovery period and prevent serious complications.

For people at high risk, such as smokers or older adults, prompt treatment is critical. The bacterium Legionella pneumophila is responsible for most cases of Legionnaires' disease. Outdoors, legionella bacteria survive in soil and water, but rarely cause infections. However, legionella bacteria can multiply in water systems made by humans, such as air conditioners. Although it's possible to get Legionnaires' disease from home plumbing, most outbreaks have occurred in large buildings, perhaps because complex systems allow the bacteria to grow and spread more easily.

Also, home and car air conditioning units don't use water for cooling. Most people become infected when they inhale microscopic water droplets containing legionella bacteria.

This might be from the spray from a shower, faucet or whirlpool, or water from the ventilation system in a large building. Outbreaks have been linked to:. Besides by breathing in water droplets, the infection can be transmitted in other ways, including:. Not everyone exposed to legionella bacteria becomes sick. You're more likely to develop the infection if you:.

Legionnaires' disease can be a problem in hospitals and nursing homes, where germs can spread easily and people are vulnerable to infection. For additional information about this infection… Pontiac fever. This site uses cookies. By continuing to browse the site, you are agreeing to our use of cookies. Your Name. Your Email.

What is Pontiac fever? Legionnaires disease in more detail The presence of Legionella bacteria Clearly if one or more people are found to have contracted Pontiac fever, it is still very important to work out where the infection came from. Antibiotic treatment usually lasts 1 to 3 weeks. Page last reviewed: 22 October Next review due: 22 October Legionnaires' disease. How you get Legionnaires' disease You can get Legionnaires' disease if you breathe in tiny droplets of water containing bacteria that causes the infection.

You can get Legionnaires' disease from things like: air conditioning systems humidifiers spa pools and hot tubs taps and showers that are not used often You cannot usually get it from: drinking water that contains the bacteria other people with the infection places like ponds, lakes and rivers Check if you have Legionnaires' disease Symptoms of Legionnaires' disease include: a cough difficulty breathing chest pain a high temperature flu-like symptoms Urgent advice: Get advice from now if:.

Other ways to get help A GP may be able to help you.


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