In Butcher's Copy-editing , Judith Butcher points out that some writers have their own systems of speech marks, e. The most important rule when using these little punctuation marks is that the style of the opening and closing speech marks match. First things first: Decide whether you will use double or single apostrophes for the initial quote. If you use single quote marks, you should use double speech marks for a quote within a quote.
If you use double quote signs, you should use single quotation signs for a quote within a quote. You do not usually need opening and closing quotes to punctuate material that has been set off from the main text as a block quotation. Block quotations are typically either indented or put in a smaller font.
According to the convention being used, quotations within the block will have double or single quotes British or American. In much specialist writing including linguistics, philosophy, and theology , terms with particular meanings that are unique to that subject are often enclosed in single inverted commas. Inserting quote signs may not be essential to your argument. However, it is still important not to confuse your readers by including too many punctuation marks.
For direct help crafting your sentence with correct punctuation, try Scribendi's editing and proofreading services. The apostrophe is probably one of the English language's most abused punctuation marks. For example, by looking at different advertisements, street signs, and store marquees, you'll realize many people don't seem to understand the proper use of this mark. Check out our blog post on using apostrophes for more information.
A semicolon separates major elements in a sentence. A semicolon should appear between related independent clauses when not connected by coordinative conjunction, such as "yet," "so," "for," "nor," "or," "but," or "and. Colons, on the other hand, are used after an independent clause to announce a list or quotation. Learn more about the use of semicolons and colons.
Parentheses are used within a sentence to include information that's not essential to the main point but that is still relevant. Such information is supplementary, and omitting it wouldn't change the meaning of the main point. The main problem I observe with students' usage is that they mix the two. They often seem to use double for direct quotes from the literature and single for ironic or 'slang' usage.
The important point is to be consistent in usage and stick to one type for everything with the opposite type used for quotes within quotes.
If the student is required to follow APA style they should be using double. To receive informative articles and tailored advice for academics and students, as well as updates about our exciting grant and scholarship opportunities, please subscribe to our blog. Posted by Capstone Editing on 30 April Share this article. Double Quotes vs. Single Quotes. Comparison chart Differences — Similarities —. General Usage Rules.
Follow Share Cite Authors. Comments: Double Quotes vs Single Quotes. Related Comparisons. Contribute to Diffen Edit or create new comparisons in your area of expertise. Log in ». Terms of use Privacy policy. To enclose a quote within a quote; to enclose a quote within a headline; to enclose a title within a quote. While not technically incorrect, the use of single quotation marks to mark speech is uncommon in the US, Canada, Australia and New Zealand.
Mixing quotation marks is considered an error.