How do you define a single family home? Do you own the land on a detached single family home? Do I own the land in front of my house? Should I buy land or a house? Is it harder to buy land or a house? What credit score do you need to buy land? Can you put a tiny house on any land? Previous Article What are the different classes of go-karts?
Next Article Why is musical notation important? Usually space at the back and front exist too. Also known as a townhome or a row house, this is a style of housing where similar homes are in a row and share a common wall. These are clustered houses, usually with 4, 6, 8, or 10 units.
Each unit typically have the same floor area, with the end units enjoying larger lot areas. Both attached and detached are property types that are available for listings in the Residential Property Category of Listing Load. Condominiums excluded. Condominiums CONDO have their own property category and are defined as: An attached or stand-alone residence for which the owner has title to the space inside the unit and shares common spaces with other unit owners in accordance with specified legal guidelines.
Photo Credit. Hi Mary Francis, There is also a category where a detatched unit owns the land under it but in a condo developement. Where would that fit? And am also seeing listings say PUD.